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Levisa Key

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Its access is by sea, one and a half kilometers from Palma Rubia on the north coast, located forty-five kilometers from Viñales, seventy-two kilometers from Las Terrazas and three hours' drive from Havana City. It has a beach three kilometers long -before the slope- there are another five kilometers of low bottoms in the insular platform, with depths between three and six meters. The invitation to dive will allow you to receive initiation and practice courses in a total of twenty-three sites of the insular platform between Cayo Arenas and Cayo Mégano de Casigüas, with plant and coral formations among which stand out: Star coral (Montastrea anularis), Cacho e venao (Acropora cervicornis), sea fans (Gorgonia ventalina), seaweed (Halimeda discoidea), starfish (Oreaster reticulatus), Moorish crab (Carpilius corallinus) and fish species with striking colours such as these: Isabelitas (Chaetodon ocellatus), Rabirrubia (Ocyurus chrysurus), Salmonete (Mulloidichthys martinicus), Horse mackerel (Caranx lugubris) and the threatening Green Morenas (Gymnothorax funebris). In the song of the veril the walls reach up to forty meters, fascinating to dive in the practice of snorkeling in the coral reef, or nautical sports.

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