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San Diego de los Baños

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At the bottom of  Cordillera de Guaniguanico and in the exact place where the rivers Caiguanabo-San Diego cut the mountain range turning it into Sierra del Rosario, to the East, and Sierra de los Órganos to the West, is the quiet town: San Diego de los Baños, famous since the eighteenth century for the beneficial properties of its waters. These have been studied for more than two hundred years and classified into: sulphurous, sulphurous, calcium, magnesium, fluoride and thermal. Today, in the Spa of the same name, treatments are offered to the visitor with highly qualified services, attend patients with dermatological disorders, neurological, post accidents, digestive diseases and stress, through hydrotherapy, hydromassage, body and facial beauty treatments, mud therapy, psychology, steam baths, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, electroacupuncture, physiotherapy, stomatology and gym.

Tel: (53) 48 548880 / 548881

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