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A drink with fruits of the earth

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In 1892, a Basque immigrant, Lucio Garay Zavala, registered a liquor business that would be the base of the exclusive factory where the "Guayabita del Pinar" is produced, an emblematic drink of this territory. This is obtained from the plant, Guayabita del Pinar "(Psidium guayabita), exclusive of the Western part of Pinar del Río and Isla de la Juventud. Its production responds to the manual procedures of yesteryear from the selection and preparation of the fruit, its fermentation in giant barrels of oak cured with more than a century of action, from their cellars, to the process of extraction and bottling.

In 1906, he obtained the Commercialization Award; in 1911, he received the "Havana Fair Award", and in 1924, he won "Medal at the Rome Exposition". The entire process through which the guayabita fruit passes to the distillation and bottling of the drink in its dry or sweet variants can be appreciated in this facility that has centuries of history and is a hallmark of the province.

Calle Isabel Rubio, No 189, e/ Ceferino Fernández and Frank País Pinar del Río.

Tel: (53) 48 75 2966

Hours: Monday to Saturday 8:00am / 5:00pm

Sunday: 8:00am / 12:00m

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