The name that comes from the Spanish toponymy alludes to the geographical space in which the first people  settled, is one of the most privileged territories for its variety of natural resources and cultural traditions.

This city is modest, neoclassical, eclectic, with a mixture of portals with columns topped with capitals, red tiles, windows and doors with two leaves.

In 1859, was transformed into a villa and given the development that reached, on September 10, 1867 was granted by "Royal Decree of the Queen of Spain, Isabel II", the title of "City" to Pinar del Rio. On July 9, 1878, the province of the same name was formed.

This natural refuge of the surviving flora of the Southern plain of Pinar del Río is located 60 km from the city. Exclusive ecosystem, where several attractions of the region are found: the White Sands  footpath (in the shape of a horseshoe that allows the return to the starting point without repeating the journey on the way back), visit to the crocodile zoo acutus, and more than 105 species, highlighting the cartacuba, the tocororo, the colonies of pigeons of different species and the carpenter.


Within the properties of José Manuel Cortina was this cave, with a history ranging from the presence of Aboriginal people to the visit of personalities such as Cirilo Villaverde. The cave owes its name to two ogival-shaped naves of a great gothic cathedral, passing underneath the first the crystalline Caiguanabo river. In 1940, the conditioning of this espelunca and of the neighboring cavern, Los Espejos, began, making sidewalks, ramps, grilles, handrails and a bridge to cross the river, with the purpose of converting them into zones of enjoyment. In 1959, during a visit made by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz accompanied by Celia Sánchez and Antonio Núñez Jiménez, the idea arose to turn the Los Portales cave into a public place for the recreation of the nearby town.

During the thirty-two days of the October Crisis in 1962, Commander Ernesto Guevara de la Serna established there the command of the army and still remains in the place, the construction of masonry that was his place of work. The cavern was declared a "National Monument" on June 25, 1978 and is located within the facilities of the popular campsite of the same name.

On the Southern road to La Güira Park, you can travel five kilometers under the leafy semi-deciduous forest and pine forest. In order to observe birds, 61 species have been counted, among which the Cartacuba, the Tocororo, the Zorzal gato (Turdus plumbeus), the Negrito (Merropiria nigra), the Tomeguín de la tierra y del pinar, as well as the Cabrero (Spingalis cena), the Muleteer, the Chillina (Teretistris fernandinae), the Aparecido de San Diego (Cyanerpes cyaneus), the Gavilán colilargo, and for the lucky ones, the Siguapa (Asio stygius) and the elusive Nightingale, easy to hear but very difficult to see.

Hacienda Cortina or Parque de la Güira is one of the most exotic parks in our country. Its former owner, the lawyer José Manuel Cortina, acquired La Güira estate in 1906. In his 1423 cavalries, he built the most lavish recreational hacienda in the country: spacious gardens with bronze lanterns that illuminate small squares surrounded by benches, cups, sculptures, ponds, fountains and roundabouts, surrounded by trees that mark the route to his house built in 1924. He built the Japanese (1920) and Chinese (1940) houses. There is an important collection of objects and works of art that became a national exponent of Asian civilization. In the open spaces he erected sculptures in Carrara marble and bronze reminiscent of Nymphs and Goddesses of Greek legends. The artificial navigable lake, the representations of medieval constructions such as the impressive portal of the hacienda and its great biodiversity make the visitor live in a world of fiction.