Other Procedures and Bienhechurías

Copying documents. Natural people. Certificate of microlocalization and macrolocalization. Legal people. Certificates of land use. Natural and legal people. Numbering certificate. What do we understand by Bienhechurías? Buildings, facilities or other necessary or useful works for the adequate attention and protection of crops, animals and plantations, the conservation and improvement of soils and crops.

Copy of documents. Natural people.
Certificate of microlocalization and macrolocalization. Legal people.
Certificates of land use. Natural and legal people
Numbering certificate. Natural people.

To update a property (plot of land or dwelling, for example) a NUMBERATION CERTIFICATE is required, it is a document that provides the correct and updated location of the property according to the cartographic plans of the last Population and Housing Census.
To obtain the NUMBERATION CERTIFICATE, you must go to the Housing Procedures Office of your municipality where you may be attended by a Physical Planning officer when you must submit the following documents:
- Photocopy of the property or photocopy of the Certificate of Habitable (in case you want to obtain your property)
- Identity card of the owner or of the person requesting the procedure.
- Stamp of $5.00 CUP
- $10.00 CUP in cash
In the case of the municipality of Pinar del Río, this office is located at Calle Isabel Rubio, No. 108, telephone number 48726902.

Regulations for licenses and authorizations. Natural and legal people.
Authorizations for self-employed sales points, fencing, temporary facilities, etc. Natural people
Regulations and licenses for benefactors. Natural people
Certification for property updating. Natural people.

What do we understand by Bienhechurías?

Buildings, facilities or other necessary or useful works for the adequate attention and protection of crops, animals and plantations, the conservation and improvement of soils and crops.

Forests, permanent fruit plantations and others of a permanent nature, and the dwellings of the usufructuary and his family, provided that the land given in usufruct is in the rural area.

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