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Sustainable Tourism as a Model of Development

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Other ideas that are expressed are:
• Sustainable tourism requires decision-making in all social sectors, including local populations, so that tourism and other resource users can coexist.
• Tourism creates recreational facilities that can be used by local communities or by national and foreign visitors.
• TIt can also stimulate and contribute to the cost of the conservation of archaeological sites, historic buildings and neighbourhoods.
• Cultural tourism strengthens community self-esteem and offers the opportunity for better understanding and communication between peoples of different cultural backgrounds.
• Sustainable tourism, from an environmental point of view, highlights the importance of natural and cultural resources for the economic and social well-being of a community and can contribute to their preservation.

It is clear that in the application of this conception the preservation of national interests has a vital place in the face of the negative impacts of international tourism trends, now reinforced by neoliberal globalization.

To develop this sustainable tourism it is necessary to assimilate modernity, technology and all the necessary facilities demanded by current international tourism, but without abandoning authenticity, identity, peculiarities, idiosyncrasies and national interests, taking advantage of the attractions of the natural and cultural environment of a place to differentiate itself competitively and successfully from other destinations, rigorously planning its use and management in such a way that it does not limit the access and rational use of resources to future generations.

It should even be pointed out that tourism can be a favourable element to protect and enrich the built monumental heritage and to regenerate an environment that may have been previously deteriorated, provided that a policy is established that affirms the independence of this line of action against purely economic considerations, while still adapting to the beneficial economic effect that tourism can bring and that it contributes to the support and development of activities of various activities. Those who visited Colonial Havana in the mid-1980s and are visiting it now understand the importance that tourism has had in much of what has been done and is being done there.

In this sense, tourism in Pinar del Río is inserted with a viable development strategy, with a sustainable approach, of responsible tourism marketing, of value, applying a conscious control over the desired changes with the participation and benefit of the native population, of the clients and of the borrowing actors of the product itself.


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