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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Tourist Attractions

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Pinar del Río is the right place to admire the beauties and whims of nature, rest with the sound of the sea and interact with humble and hospitable men, sharing with them an exquisite cigar and a few glasses of Guayabita del Pinar. Among its main attractions:

  • Jutía Key +

    More than 4000 meters of virgin beach, linked to the mainland by a 15 kilometer (km) pedraplén, located in a fishing area, surrounded by exuberant nature, with landscapes of unusual beauty, which enable the development of nautical activities, diving and bird watching. The divers can appreciate species of the most diverse colors, types and sizes that coexist in total harmony with man, from the Dogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus), the Surgeons (Acanthurus coeruleus) and the Parrot Fish (Sparisoma viride). The most abundant corals are: the Ear (Acropora palmata), Fire (Millapora complanata), Digital (Porites porites) and Brain (Colpophyllia natans). These wonders are only Read More
  • Levisa Key +

    Its access is by sea, one and a half kilometers from Palma Rubia on the north coast, located forty-five kilometers from Viñales, seventy-two kilometers from Las Terrazas and three hours' drive from Havana City. It has a beach three kilometers long -before the slope- there are another five kilometers of low bottoms in the insular platform, with depths between three and six meters. The invitation to dive will allow you to receive initiation and practice courses in a total of twenty-three sites of the insular platform between Cayo Arenas and Cayo Mégano de Casigüas, with plant and coral formations among Read More
  • Pinar del Río city +

    The name that comes from the Spanish toponymy alludes to the geographical space in which the first people  settled, is one of the most privileged territories for its variety of natural resources and cultural traditions. This city is modest, neoclassical, eclectic, with a mixture of portals with columns topped with capitals, red tiles, windows and doors with two leaves. In 1859, was transformed into a villa and given the development that reached, on September 10, 1867 was granted by "Royal Decree of the Queen of Spain, Isabel II", the title of "City" to Pinar del Rio. On July 9, 1878, Read More
  • Portales Cave +

    Within the properties of José Manuel Cortina was this cave, with a history ranging from the presence of Aboriginal people to the visit of personalities such as Cirilo Villaverde. The cave owes its name to two ogival-shaped naves of a great gothic cathedral, passing underneath the first the crystalline Caiguanabo river. In 1940, the conditioning of this espelunca and of the neighboring cavern, Los Espejos, began, making sidewalks, ramps, grilles, handrails and a bridge to cross the river, with the purpose of converting them into zones of enjoyment. In 1959, during a visit made by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Read More
  • The Mural of Prehistory +

    Mural painting made on the wall of a mogote (120 x 80 meters) located in the Valley Dos Hermanas within the Viñales National Park which reflects the different evolutionary periods from remote times, projected by the painter Leovigildo González with the collaboration of Dr. Núñez Jiménez and executed by peasants in the area. It has the installation with ranches of traditional construction, designed in wood and guano roofs, reproducing the vernacular architecture. It offers restaurant services for 320 people, a servibar and recreational options. Read More
  • The Palenque of the Cimarrones +

    The Palenque of the Cimarrones orJosé Miguel Caveis located next to the Sierra de Viñales: the underground access to the restaurant, recreated by circular caneyes that represent a deity of the Yoruba pantheon, identified by the colors and culture of the African slaves and their Gods, makes the visitor transport himself, imaginatively, to another time and culture. Km 32 Road to Puerto Esperanza, Pinar del Río. Tel: (53) 48 796290 Read More
  • Tobacco Factory +

    The building where the Francisco Donatién Factory is located dates from 1859. However, it was not until 1961 that the factory was inaugurated, which since then illustrates the fine art of tobacco twisting in the hands of men and women dedicated to production. Among the brands that are traditionally made in the facility is Vegueros of national and international recognition. It offers tours with specialized guide service, and has a specialized store. Cameras are not allowed. Calle Antonio Maceo, No 157, e/ Abraham Lincoln y Antonio Tarafa Pinar del Río. Tel: (53) 48 77 3069 Hours: Monday to Friday from Read More
  • Cueva del Indio +

    It is an underground cavity in the San Vicente Valley, worldwide known as Cueva del Indio. Discovered more than 90 years ago, it is like entering a millennial passageway, full of secondary formations, through a gallery, until arriving at the pier to navigate the subsoil by boat, through the waters of Zacarías river, showing an impressive cavern show. Km 33 Road to Puerto Esperanza, Viñales. Tel: (53) 48 796280 Read More
  • The Great Cavern of Santo Tomás +

    The trip to Viñales region imposes the unique experience of making an incursion into the Great Cavern of Santo Tomás, as the largest in Cuba and the second largest in Latin America. Inside, a large number of fossil remains have been discovered, with an age of around two million years. Inside its gigantic halls, an experienced group of local guides will help the visitor to know the great diversity of subterranean landscapes, inviting him to live an incomparable experience. During this journey geology, history and culture are intertwined by visiting the Museum of Los Malagones, birthplace of Cuba's first militiamen, Read More
  • The keys and their attractions +

    The  Los Colorados Archipelago , located to the North of  Pinar del Río province, is made up of 160 cays and islets, scattered along 205 kilometers (km), and from its beginning in La Leña to its end in Punta Gorda, Cabañas Bay, a wonderful environment can be appreciated, where beautiful beaches alternate with mangroves, in blue waters nest Macabí (Albula vulpes) and Sábalos (Tarpon atlanticus). The coral reefs are biological shells that protect the mainland. In all these ecosystems, after the beach, the bottom has depths greater than 2000 meters, with walls between nine and forty; there are internationally recognized diving Read More
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