Procedures and Services

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Internet and connectivity

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  • Useful Tips for Wireless Connection (WIFI) +

  • Public Wireless Connection Spaces (WIFI) +

    MunicipalityPublic sites   Pinar del Río – 75 AP Hermanos Cruz Shopping Center Independence Park Roberto Amaran Park   Colón Park El Renacer Point of Sale La Cristal Point of Sale   La Coloma Park Alameda Shopping Center Las Ovas Park   Medical Sciences Hotel Pinar del Río José Martí Park   Paseo Martí Street Super Gool Recreational Club Montequín Park   Pediatric Hospital Park Cabaret Restaurant Rumayor El Criollo Restaurant   Aguas Claras International Camping La Conchita Park Briones Montoto Park   Park of the Audience IPE Alameda Railways Park   Celso Maragoto Park Abel Santamaría Hospital Park 9-floor Cabinet Park Read More
  • Navigation rooms with third entities +

    Municipality Navigation rooms with third entities Number of Posts Pinar del Río Young Computer Palace Club Young Club La Conchita Young Club Brothers Cruz 1 Young Club Brothers Cruz 2 Young Club Vista Alegre Young Club Celso Maragoto 3 1 1 1 1 1 San Luis Young Club San Luis 1 San Juan Young Club San Juan 1 Minas de Matahambre Young Club Minas de Matahambre 1 Viñales Young Viñales Club Young Club Puerto Esperanza 1 1 Consolación del Sur Young Club Consolación del sur 1 La Palma Young Club La Palma 1 Los Palacios Young Club Los Palacios Young Read More
  • ETECSA Navigation Rooms +

    Municipality ETECSA Navigation Rooms Number of Posts Pinar del Río Pinar del Río Telepoint 8 La Alameda Mini Point 2 Martí Multiservice Center 8 Hermanos Cruz Multiservice Center  3 Taller Postventa Mini Point 1 San Juan y Martinez San Juan y Martinez Commercial Office 3 San Luis San Luis Commercial Office 3 Minas de Matahambre Minas de Matahambre Commercial Office 1 Mini Point Santa Lucia 2 Viñales Viñales Multiservice Center 8 Consolación del Sur Consolación del Sur Multiservice Center 5 Mini Point Herradura 1 Los Palacios Los Palacios Commercial Office 2 La Palma La Palma Commercial Office 1 Sandino Sandino Multiservice Read More
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