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Sol Encanto Hotel

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portada hotel sol encanto

Located in the well-known Carlos Manuel neighborhood of Pinar del Río city, it has nine rooms, including one double room, three multiple rooms (with 4 beds) and five triple rooms (with 3 beds). All rooms have air conditioning, television, fan, refrigerator and independent bathroom.

Reservations are made through the Reservations Bureau. The entrance is at 4 p.m. and departure at 2:00 p.m. and the person who is staying has the right to breakfast, lunch and dinner, at reasonable prices.

The collective of this unit is made up of two working teams .

The prices of the rooms are as follows:

Low season: January to May and October to December

Double room: 100 pesos MN

Triple room: 105 pesos MN

Multiple room: 120 pesos MN

High season: June to September

Double room: 120 pesos MN

Triple room: 120 pesos MN

Multiple room: 140 pesos MN

Tourists wishing to stay in low season must pay:

Double room: 14 CUC

Triple room: 12 CUC

Multiple room: 10 CUC

Tourists wishing to stay in high season: June to September

Double room: 16 CUC

Triple room: 18 CUC

Multiple room: 20 CUC

The interested parties can rent by cheques for organisms and for the population the payment is in national currency.

Institutional Facebook: Empresa Provincial de Alojamiento y Gastronomía (Provincial Enterprise of Accommodation and Gastronomy)

Teléfono del Buró de Reservaciones: 48 753711

carpeta de hotel sol encanto


cuarto matrimonial

habitaciones de Sol encanto

baños de Sol encanto

lobby de Sol encanto

restaurante de Sol Encanto

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