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Viñales is located in the center of the province within Sierra de los Órganos, with an approximate area of 100 km2. It is the ideal place to discover part of the enigma that develops between the imposing vertical walls that surround its fertile intramontane valleys and its landscape is, without a doubt, an idyllic vision, source of inspiration for painters, writers and poets.

It stands out for the rusticity of life in total harmony with the environment, the industriousness of the peasant, vernacular architecture and the aroma of its mountains, also displaying its flora, endemic fauna and contrast between valleys and mountains, framed in the National Park faithful exhibitor of the most authentic viñalera nature.

The welcome is given by the Viñales Valley, included in the list, World Heritage with the category: "Cultural Landscape of Humanity" and declared "National Park". In the centre of the valley itself is Viñales  village. For many reasons it seems stopped in time since its foundation on January 1, 1879. In its main street, escorted by male pines (Pinus caribaea), and distinguished by the red creole tiles of its houses, the Restaurant Don Tomás stands out, a building built in the last decade of the 19th century; the Museum of Local History, a neoclassical style mansion and the Patio del Decimista, a space where the outstanding poet Benito el viñalero, known as the singer of the Valley, was the reason for gatherings, guateques and canturías.

Chosen by visitors, theMain Square, open space with benches ideal for delighting  and reading, the House of Culture, the Old Spanish Colony, the Art Gallery, the Parish Church and the Polo Montañéz Cultural Center, faithful exponent of Cuban dance and rhythms, incite us to enter the charismatic town.

 Viñales has a great floristic richness that reaches nine hundred and sixty species. Of these, three hundred and five are endemic. The most charismatic are: ceibón or drago (Bombax cosis cubensis), Palma de sierra (Gaussia princeps) (Thrinax morrisii), the bonita de la sierra (Spathelia brittonii) and the palma corcho (Microcycas calocomas), considered a living fossil, due to its more than 150 years of antiquity, declared a "National Monument".

The fauna includes Tocororo, Nightingale, Carpintero churroso (Colaptes fernandinae), Cartacuba, the Iguana, (Leiocephalus macropus) and Majá de Santamaría and the Sachrysia guanensis mollusk, all endemic to our country.

Its great cavern system is the second largest in America which has allowed us to call it ¨la capital of the karst cubano¨, very well represented by the princess of the Cuban caves, the Great Cavern of Santo Tomás.

Viñales National Park Visitors Center Tel: (53) 48 796143-44

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In 1892, a Basque immigrant, Lucio Garay Zavala, registered a liquor business that would be the base of the exclusive factory where the "Guayabita del Pinar" is produced, an emblematic drink of this territory. This is obtained from the plant, Guayabita del Pinar "(Psidium guayabita), exclusive of the Western part of Pinar del Río and Isla de la Juventud. Its production responds to the manual procedures of yesteryear from the selection and preparation of the fruit, its fermentation in giant barrels of oak cured with more than a century of action, from their cellars, to the process of extraction and bottling.

In 1906, he obtained the Commercialization Award; in 1911, he received the "Havana Fair Award", and in 1924, he won "Medal at the Rome Exposition". The entire process through which the guayabita fruit passes to the distillation and bottling of the drink in its dry or sweet variants can be appreciated in this facility that has centuries of history and is a hallmark of the province.

Calle Isabel Rubio, No 189, e/ Ceferino Fernández and Frank País Pinar del Río.

Tel: (53) 48 75 2966

Hours: Monday to Saturday 8:00am / 5:00pm

Sunday: 8:00am / 12:00m

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It was founded in 1999, it has 64 hectare of extension, with a wide diversity of plants that represent vueltabajero flora showing cultural and esthetic values.

Address: 1 1/2 Km Hoyo del Guama pathway

Telephone number: (53) 48 774038/ 774029

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The building where the Francisco Donatién Factory is located dates from 1859. However, it was not until 1961 that the factory was inaugurated, which since then illustrates the fine art of tobacco twisting in the hands of men and women dedicated to production. Among the brands that are traditionally made in the facility is Vegueros of national and international recognition. It offers tours with specialized guide service, and has a specialized store.

Cameras are not allowed.

Calle Antonio Maceo, No 157, e/ Abraham Lincoln y Antonio Tarafa Pinar del Río.

Tel: (53) 48 77 3069

Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00am / 1:30pm

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