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The Great Cavern of Santo Tomás

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The trip to Viñales region imposes the unique experience of making an incursion into the Great Cavern of Santo Tomás, as the largest in Cuba and the second largest in Latin America. Inside, a large number of fossil remains have been discovered, with an age of around two million years. Inside its gigantic halls, an experienced group of local guides will help the visitor to know the great diversity of subterranean landscapes, inviting him to live an incomparable experience.

During this journey geology, history and culture are intertwined by visiting the Museum of Los Malagones, birthplace of Cuba's first militiamen, in the El Moncada Community, founded in 1960, and  Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez National School of Speleology, an installation that trains young generations of cave explorers.

Road to Pons village 25 km from Viñales, Pinar del Río.

Tel: (53) 48 68 12 14

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