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Hotels of the Provincial Enterprise of Lodging and Gastronomy

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( 3 Ratings )

  • La Marina Hotel +

    La Marina Hotel , located in the center of Pinar del Rio city, is one of the accommodations that is providing service with its 14 rooms. Read More
  • Amor del Pinar Hotel +

    Amor del Pinar stands out for being very central, on Avenida Martí, and is one of the accommodations of the Provincial Enterprise of Lodging and Gastronomy (EPAG), which provides services in Pinar del Río, with moderate prices and excellent treatment to guests. Read More
  • Sol Encanto Hotel +

    The Sol Encanto Hotel  is one of the facilities of the Provincial Enterprise of Lodging and Gastronomy of Pinar del Río (EPAG) that has greater acceptance within the network of lodgings of the city, by the careful attention that offer the workers of the center and by the good conditions of the unit. Read More
  • Services Provided by the Provincial Bureau of Reservations in Pinar del Río +

    Reservations Bureau is  the Provincial Reservations Bureau, belonging to the Provincial Enterprise of  Accommodation and Gastronomy  (EPAG) located on 12 floor building on Maceo Street in  Pinar del Río city, those interested can request the option of trips to Bailén Beach and La Güira Park and to stay in some of its facilities. Read More
  • El Crisol in Pinar del Río, a mixture of comfort and beauty +

    The population in Pinar del Río and those who visit the backland land rejoice at the opening of the El Crisol hotel, formerly called the Lincoln hotel, because it constitutes another accommodation where comfort and beauty are combined. Read More
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