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  • La Descarga with an Excellent Gastronomic Option +

    La Descarga  received a partial renovation and already provides services to the population of Pinar del Río, in addition to reinsert itself in the plan of resuscitation of Pinar del Río city, next to celebrate its 152nd anniversary on September 10. Read More
  • El Faraon, a Space for Enjoyment in the Summer +

    El Faraón is one of the units of the Provincial Enterprise of Lodging and Gastronomy of Pinar del Río, which has a varied proposal of cultural and recreational activities to dynamize the summer in this territory. Read More
  • Globo Hotel with Lobby Bar and Night Center +

    A different image shows the lobby of the Globo Hotel, as a preamble to the entrance to the small lobby-bar and the nightclub that is already serving. Read More
  • Proposals of El Criollo Cabaret - Restaurant +

    El Criollo Cabaret - Restaurant in Pinar del Río, is a jewel in which you can find a magnificent site specializing in creole food, and a barbecue for light food and beverages. The food is in national currency, the liquids in CUC. Read More
  • 1

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