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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Toponymy of municipalities

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Los Palacios

Los Palacios town was founded in 1760 on the grounds of  El Ciego.

Its name is acquired from the corral Los Palacios, it is ignored when or to whom it was awarded.

The town hall was created on January 1st, 1879, being suppressed and annexed to San Cristóbal by order number 23/1902,  it was restored again in July 20, 1910,

Consolación del Sur

This village takes its name from a church built in 1690 for the parishioners of the herd who also acquired that patronymic. It remains in the same place of origin  until 1750 when it was moved to the place where it is today.

In 1830 it was created the government and its city council on July 1st, 1866.

The title of town was acquired by the Royal Order in 1878.

Pinar del Río

On April 11, 1578, the Havana City Council granted Francisco de Rojas the Río Feo lands. Later, in the same year, on August 29, San Mateo,  the same  lands with different  name, were donated to Gaspar Hernández, but without delimiting boundaries.

Not fulfilled the conditions of the contract the city council of Havana declared null to both and was proceeded to new distributions of these lands, with the denominations of San Mateo, Taironas and Pinar del Río.

In 1776, the residence of the lieutenant governor was established in the same place that began to be populated in 1699 and that took its name for being located next to a pine forest and near the river Guamá.

In 1859 the town hall was created and was granted the status of village until 1867, which was declared a city.

San Luis

Its primitive name is San Luis de Los Pinos, coming from the abundance of pines in the place of its seat.

It was founded in 1827 and its town hall was constituted in 1879, and it was segregated from San Juan and Martínez.

San Juan and Martinez

It takes its name from the union of two bordering corrals that existed formerly called "San Juan" and "Martínez" respectively.

In 1774 it was the capital of the province, until 1776 when it was definitively moved to Pinar del Río.

In 1875 it was granted the title of villa and in 1879 its town hall was created.


Its name comes from the ancient aboriginal inhabitants. It was founded on the bedrocks of the Cuyaguateje River in 1600. In 1772 was created the government tenure, with the name of New Philippines, until 1774 when it was moved to San Juan and Martinez and in 1776 to Pinar del Rio.

 Guane town hall dated from 1879.

La Palma

In its beginnings it was called Consolación del Norte, and took its name -like Consolación del Sur- from a church that was later moved to the corral of San Cayetano.

In 1569, in the savannahs of Consolación de la Chorrera, the construction of the first houses began and the village was founded.

On January 1, 1879, the town hall was created.

The current name of La Palma became official when the new political-administrative division was established.


The origin of this name can be traced back to the version that in the 18th century several Italian sailors, accused of corsairs and persecuted by English ships, had to go ashore in search of refuge. A few kilometres from the coast, they founded the hamlet they called Mantua in homage to the Italian city from which they came.

In 1866, its town hall was created and in 1896, it was the culminating point of the Invasion carried out by the Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo who had departed three months before the eastern part of the country.

Mantua was declared a National Monument in August 1935.


The origin of the name of Viñales is from 1607, date in which Ana Martín Ramos was granted the corral of the same name by Royal Order of the City Council of Havana.

In 1879  was created its city council that was segregated from the one of Pinar del Río, to which it belonged from its foundation.

Minas de Matahambre

In a study carried out by the Social Sciences Section of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, in order to determine the origin of its name, an anecdote is taken from a citizen named Manuel Prieto who narrated:

The monteros dedicated to the breeding of cattle and pigs crossed the mountains and were located where Matahambre is today to eat and after finishing they exclaimed: How well I feel, I killed the hunger!- After approaching the hour of the lunch they said. Let's go to the place where hunger is killed. And that's how this name stayed forever.

This is a hypothesis.


This municipality was founded after the triumph of the Revolution. Its name pays homage to the " Hero of Segovia" in the Nicaraguan land.


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