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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Origin of Pinar del Río

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The presence of these settlements and the population scattered in herds and corrals made the Crown decide to organize these vast and rich territories through the creation of a jurisdiction or Tenancy of Government.

Thus, in 1774, the Captain General of Cuba created by decree the jurisdiction of the Philippines, which spanned from the Los Palacios River to San Antonio Cape.

The head of the jurisdiction and the residence of the Lieutenant Governor were initially installed in Guane village  later in San Juan and Martínez and definitively, since1787, in Pinar del Río village, on the shore of Guamá river.

The advances achieved by  Pinar del Río territory, a strong tobacco producer, made it possible that in 1859 it was granted the title of Village and on September 10, 1867, City.


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