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Jutía Key

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More than 4000 meters of virgin beach, linked to the mainland by a 15 kilometer (km) pedraplén, located in a fishing area, surrounded by exuberant nature, with landscapes of unusual beauty, which enable the development of nautical activities, diving and bird watching.

The divers can appreciate species of the most diverse colors, types and sizes that coexist in total harmony with man, from the Dogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus), the Surgeons (Acanthurus coeruleus) and the Parrot Fish (Sparisoma viride).

The most abundant corals are: the Ear (Acropora palmata), Fire (Millapora complanata), Digital (Porites porites) and Brain (Colpophyllia natans).

These wonders are only 58 km from Viñales.

At the eastern end, stands as Alexandria lighthouse, the eighteen-meter metal tower, which supports the flashes produced by one of the oldest reflectors in the country.

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