Procedures and Services

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As part of the general improvement of the Cuban educational system that is carried out in our country, and especially at the higher level, it is imperative to raise the quality of access to higher education, so it provides that everyone who aspires to study in higher education in any of its types of course and for any career, will have to take three mandatory entrance exams in the disciplines Mathematics, Spanish and History of Cuba, constituting an indispensable requirement to obtain a minimum of sixty points in each examination for the applicant to be included in the scale of allocation of places according to their source of income, constituting an indispensable requirement to obtain a minimum of sixty points in each examination for the applicant to be included in the scale of allocation of places according to their source of income.

In order to provide facilities to young people with motor, visual or hearing disabilities who aspire to higher education, we consider it appropriate to establish the following procedure:
• Fill out the career application form, taking into account the ideal requirements for the performance of the profession in correspondence with their disability - Take the entrance exams and pass each of them with a minimum of sixty points (60).
• Young people coming from the pre-university source may apply for the careers offered for this education. They will obtain the degree provided that they take the statutory entrance examinations and obtain sixty (60) or more points in each of them.
• In the process of awarding these young people will compete with each other, and, if necessary, places will be created according to the capacities of the universities and after hearing the opinion of the Directorate of Admission of the Ministry of Higher Education. Those who are suspended will have a new opportunity in the next course.
• Those who meet the established requirements and are endorsed by their provincial associations: Association of the Blind, Association of the Deaf and Association of the Physically Handicapped.
• The Provincial Admission Commission will be responsible for providing special treatment in the act of examination to all applicants whose disability so requires:
      1. To individualize the cases in a place of easy access and with the appropriate conditions.
      2. For students who are blind, have low vision and severe motor difficulties, teachers will be assigned to transcribe the                tests based on the student's own answers. In the case of the deaf or hard of hearing, communication will be                            established through the sign language interpreter, and they will be exempt from the Spanish dictation.
     3. Students who are blind or have low vision will be exempted from the geometry question of the Mathematics exam space.
     4. If the student needs more time due to the characteristics of his/her disability, the duration of the exam will be extended.
     5. In no case will the presence of parents, relatives, teachers or any other person unrelated to this process be allowed in the examination room.

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The psycho-pedagogical diagnosis of students with special educational needs in Cuba is the responsibility of the Diagnostic and Orientation Centers (CDO), where integrated multidisciplinary teams work to ensure the orientation, follow-up and evaluation of these minors. The psychopedagogical diagnosis issued by these centres is the only one recognized as meeting the necessary conditions to place a minor in a Special Education institution. 

Each municipality has a multidisciplinary team to which the family can turn to receive care from any of its specialists (psychologist, educational psychologist, pedagogue, speech therapist, psychometrist, social worker). The days of attention to the population are established in each territory. Although the orientation and follow-up process carried out by the CDOs covers the different educational levels, the families do not require any referral to receive guidance from the specialists of these teams.

The department of the Provincial Diagnostic and Orientation Center is located in the Provincial Direction of Education, at 21 Hermanos Saíz Street. One of its functions is to attend to families who disagree with the diagnosis of their children, issued by the CDO of the municipality where they live, and to re-evaluate it in order to corroborate or refute the diagnosis. To receive care from this department you can do so personally or by calling 48752910 ext. 141; or if you have any doubt, you can ask it through the following form and you will receive an answer by e-mail or telephone.

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Special education is a way of teaching, with the necessary resources, support and creativity that each case requires, to people with special educational needs in whatever context they find themselves. We are able to lead, transform and develop at the peculiar rhythm of the students and optimize their possibilities in order to lead them to full social and labour integration.

We have several centers of this education, distributed by different municipalities:

SPECIAL SCHOOLS                                            TELEPHONES

Hermanos Saíz                                                      48753552
Antón Makarenko                                                   48763623
28 January                                                             48774723
José Martí                                                              48769593
Carlos Marx                                                            48779026
Alfonso Valdés (San Juan y Martínez)                   48798144
Martyrs of Bolivia                                                    48788122  

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