Our Region

From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Provincial Council of Plastic Arts

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The province has 8 galleries or active official exhibition spaces:
•    Provincial Center of Visual Arts (CPAV)
•    Pinar del Río Art Museum (MAPRI)
•    Arturo Regueiro Gallery
•    Sandino Gallery
•    San Juan and Martínez Gallery
•    Atilano Armenteros Gallery
•    Viñales Gallery
•    Los Palacios Gallery

The gallery of the Consolación del Sur municipality is currently being repaired with the rest of the cultural institutions of the territory. This project is designed so that the final product is an exhibition space and at the same time a concert hall for small format groupings of chamber music.
The municipalities: Las Minas, La Palma and Guane do not have galleries, they hold around 3 exhibitions in the year, in coordination with the CPAP, in alternative locations in their locality.
From the CPAP, the Tele Pinar Gallery (located in the telecentre of the capital city) and the Korda Gallery (located in the UPEC, also in the capital city) are served. They are programmed and directed by specialists of the Council. They also lack, like the rest of the gallery spaces, adequate lighting.

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