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Transfer of house ownership in cases of definitive absence

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Transfer of house ownership in cases of definitive absence from the country (Norma Jurídica Ley General de la Vivienda Art. 81 et seq.).

The permanent residence, whose owner has definitively left the country, is confiscated by the State for the purpose of being able to transfer their property to persons entitled to do so, in accordance with the provisions of this Law. Have the right to free transfer of ownership:

- Co-owners.
- Spouse, children and other descendants.
- Parents, grandparents and other ascendants.
- Brothers and nephews.
- Uncles
- Cousins.

The transfer of ownership will be made in the order in which they appear in the preceding paragraph, and one excludes the next. Exceptions are the spouse and children who will attend with the same right.

Whoever is awarded the home, in the above cases, has the obligation to settle the debts that were left on it with the bank.


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