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Practices to Raise Awareness of Nature Tourism

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The objective is to present a new community to the students as an alternative to alleviate the over-saturation of the Viñales Valley, to surpass its carrying capacity, and to save the sustainability and degradation of its patrimonial values that threaten the quality of the experience.

What is the contribution of the learning-by-doing process to the formation of new experiential tourism knowledge that responds to the needs of the tourism sector, and what value can be attached to tourism learning through meaningful discovery guided by awareness practices?

The study takes advantage of the geographical opportunities presented by the municipality of Viñales, which include areas of rugged relief, hills, heights, low mountains and intramontane valleys that occupy 71 percent of its surface, while the plains represent only 29 percent; In the area that belongs to the Cordillera, there are karst elevations formed by hard and bluish-gray rocks (limestones), considered among the oldest in the country, inside which are numerous caves and cave systems, such as Palmarito and Santo Tomás, considered among the largest in Latin America.

This geographical location provides the conditions for the development of these awareness-raising practices, understood as sensitizing students to historical, cultural and natural attractions; socializing students with current trends in gastronomic tourism and sustainability; developing responsibility towards sustainable rural tourism in Viñales; and a guided tour by teachers through the interior of the Valley.

These guided tours will allow the enjoyment of the landscape beauty of the mogotes; knowledge of peasant vernacular architecture; observation of peasant customs and traditional crops; and the ritual around a ceiba.

You will also be able to get to know the different natural attractions, including the so-called mogotes trilogy, made up of the Bella de los mogotes plants, which blooms once in a lifetime; the Sierra Palmita and the Mogote Ceibón. And the endemic mollusks, among them, the polymitas.

There will also be a visit to an agro-ecological farm and an exchange with guides and personalities about the history of the community.

This experiential learning is significant because it allowed the development of communication skills to promote natural trends, assimilate good practices for their subsequent performance, greater responsibility towards sustainable tourism, and link with the history and evolution of tourism.

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