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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Isabel Rubio Díaz

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Isabel Rubio DíazShe was born in Paso Real de Guane, Pinar del Río on July 8, 1837. Member of one of the most distinguished family clans of Pinar del Río, for her advanced independence thinking. She studied in a Havana school for girls, acquiring a solid humanist formation. Mother of Colonel Modesto Gómez Rubio. In the 90's, she joined the conspiracy activities against the Spanish regime. Her trips to the United States allowed her to join the leadership of the revolution. When the war of '95 was being prepared, her house became the most important conspiracy center in Pinar del Río province.

When the invading contingent arrived, led by Major General Antonio Maceo to Paso Real on January 20, 1896, she found it ready to join the insurrection camp to dedicate itself to health work. Before the objection of some for the age she answered: I need to practice what spreads!

In Guane, she organized a blood hospital, which provided aid during the Second Campaign of Maceo to Pinar del Río (from March 15 to December 6, 1896). 58 years old, he traveled more than 150 km with his field hospital, through enemy lines and by-passing the rugged Vueltabajera geography, until he located himself in the Guaniguanico mountains, providing health services to the Mambisa troops. Maceo recognized his worth and gave him the rank of Captain of Health.

From the end of 1896 she was forced to move the hospital frequently, to avoid the assault of the guerrillas of San Diego de los Baños, who looked for her incessantly, because she was a symbol of patriotic resistance.

On February 12, 1898, when he found his hospital in Seborucal, in Los Palacios municipality, it was attacked by the Spaniards. Isabel received a serious wound on her leg and is taken prisoner. She was forced to walk to San Diego, where the first cures were made. She continued her journey with her captors to San Isidro Hospital, in Pinar del Río, where she died three days later, on February 15, 1898, leaving her will where she ratified her ethical and humanist principles.

During the Republic her native town was assigned her name: Paso Real de Guane o Mendoza, actual Isabel Rubio. Her main busts are located next to the old hospital where he died in the city of Pinar del Río; in front of the house where he lived, in the park of the town that today bears hero  and in the headquarters of the Provincial Committee of the PCC.


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