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Provincial Centers

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PROVINCIAL CENTERS                                                                 TELEPHONES       

IPVCE Federico Engels                                                                     48766248 - 48762306 - 48762259
May 1st                                                                                             48762992 - 48763934 - 48729205     
Economy Rigoberto Fuentes                                                             48766083 - 48762045     
Pedro Téllez                                                                                     48753739     
EVA Reúl Sánchez                                                                           48763371     
Pedagogical School “Tania la Guerrillera”                                           48763424 - 48729285 - 48729202-09    
Mariam Nguabí                                                                                 48422551     
INDER Provincial                                                                              48726352 - 48759877     
EIDE                                                                                               48762197 - 48762461     
ESPA                                                                                              48753371

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