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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba

Faculty of Physical Culture

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The school was founded on September 8, 1974, with a good staff of teachers and workers and a reduced enrollment of students which in its early stages was named EPEF Commander Piti Fajardo.

In 1973 the EPEF course was created for students studying in Havana. In 1978 the Physical Culture branch "Nancy Uranga Romagoza" was created within the EPEF itself for students studying for a degree in Physical Culture and Sports.
This institution owes its name to the athlete of the fencing team that participated in the IV Central American and Caribbean Sports Tournament in Caracas, Venezuela.She is a Cuban revolutionary martyr, victim of terrorism when the plane in which they were traveling was sabotaged by mercenaries financed by the Central Intelligence Agency {CIA} in the United States, she was 22 years old when she died.
From 1978 to 1988 there were two types of teaching. It emerged as Higher Education in 1988 and occupies a leading role in the development and promotion of physical culture in the province and the world, its main strength lies in the academic level of the faculty. The center is located on the shore of Guamá River and next to Capitán San Luis Stadium in Pinar del Río city.


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