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From Cinderella to Princess of Cuba
Lázaro Jorge Álvarez

Lázaro Jorge Álvarez Estrada

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Name: Lázaro Jorge Álvarez Estrada.

Nickname: Pluma.

Date of birth:  January 28, 1991.

Place of birth: Pinar del Río, Cuba.

Nationality: Cuban.

Sport: Boxing.

Titles: National Champion, Pan American Champion and World Champion.

Lázaro Álvarez Estrada. Cuban boxer. 2011 Baku World Champion. Best 56 kilograms on the planet. Selected among the best athletes of 2012.

Biographical Synthesis

Born on January 28, 1991 in Pinar del Río, in a town known as La Cooperativa, in San Juan y Martínez, he practiced athletics and handball before choosing boxing, encouraged above all by his first coach, Raúl León. He is qualified in featherweight.

Sports career

- Gold Medal in the National School Games in 15-16 years category  in  50 kg and a promotion to the National ESPA.

- Silver medal in Cadet World Championship in 2007.

- In 2008 he participated in the Youth Orb Championship in Guadalajara (Mexico).

- Gold Medal at the XVI Pan American Games Guadalajara 2011.

- In 2011 he is elected the  Year Novice  in Cuba.


- Gold Medal in Batalla de Carabobo Tournament (Venezuela) in 2012.

- It is known as the best 56 kilograms on the planet, to these events are added the scepters in the Pan American Qualifier in Cumaná and Batallla de Carabobo, both in Venezuela, in addition to the Giraldo Córdova Cardín International Tournament in Havana and the National Team Tournament.

- Bronze medal at  London 2012 Olympic Games, held in the United Kingdom.

- Silver medal in LI National Beach Girón Boxing Championship, held in Santi Spíritus in December 2012, where he was surpassed by Robeisy Rámírez (15-8) in the 56 kg division.


He participated in the boxing stop Domadores against Guerreros de Mexico, which took place in this city, where on August 30 he won 3-0 against Brian Gonzalez.

On September 8, at the Golden Belt Boxing Tournament in Constance, Romania, he won the title by defeating Romanian Razvan Andreiana.

In September of this year, after updating the rank of the International Boxing Association, took second place in the world ranking of boxing in the 56 kilos, accumulating 1 950 units, leaving after the Irish John Nevin (2 350), subtitled at the same level.

In October of this year he changes division and now he boxes in 60 kilos in the World Series of Boxing that took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan. On October 20 in the first presentation in this competition won his fight against the Welsh Joseph Cordina.

On December 13, in the World Boxing Series  in Almaty brought a new victory against Kazakh Zhandos Momunov, contributing to occupy the top of Group B with 12 points equally obtained with previous sweeps on Guerreros de Mexico, Hussars Poland and Russia.

On December 22nd in  Girón Beach Boxing Tournament, held in Santi Spíritus overcame Michel Sarría of Havana in the final, reaching the gold medal and remaining in the honor roll as the most technical.


On March 12, the last qualifying date of the IV World Series of Boxing, held in Moscow, defeated by TKO in the second round to Adlan Abdurashidov of the Russian team, which took the victory 3-2 so the Cuban tamers lost the undefeated in 10 tops, maintaining their leadership in Group B with 28 units and balance of 41 successes and 9 setbacks.

On March 4 at Ciudad Deportiva, Havana, he defeated Venezuelan Luis Arcón, where the Cuban Tamers swept the USA Knockouts 5-0 in the quarterfinals of the 4th World Boxing Series.

On June 7 in the final edition of this series,  in Baku, Azerbaijan, Domadores de Cuba team managed to reach the crown, was overcome in 1-2 controversial ruling against former world champion Albert Selimov.

On September 10, he defeated Roman Chshegrinov 3-0 in an exhibition boxing duel against Astana Arlans Kazakhstan, held in Astanabajo city under the name Choque de Titanes, as part of an event promoting the V World Boxing Series.

On October 13, in his debut in  Mohammed VI Boxing Cup, based in Marrakech, Morocco, he defeated Senegalese Wade Ibrahina 3-0[10]. On 14 October, he was unable to take part in his second fight against fellow Senegalese Wade Ibrahina due to an upset stomach.

He was crowned at XXII Central American and Caribbean Games, held in Veracruz, Mexico, in November when he defeated local Lindolfo Delgado 3-0.


On February 6 at the Coliseo in Havana's Ciudad Deportiva, he defeats Jun Shan 3-0, hitting at will, where Cuba's Domadores reach 20 consecutive successes by sweeping away China's Dragons and confirming leadership in Group A of the 5th World Boxing Series.

On February 20, in the same scenario, he defeated Frenchman Oualid Belaoura of the Lion Hearts of Great Britain 3-0 in order to remain undefeated in this fight.

On March 7 he won 3-0 against Abdellah Boudrar of the Atlas Lions of Morocco in Moroccan city of Casablanca. His group A is entrenched at the top of this World Series. On 21 March at Moscow Sports Palace, he once again defeated Russia's Artur Subkhankulov in a tough 2-1 bout to keep his team undefeated.

On April 10, at the Coliseum in Havana's Sports City, he won 3-0 against William Zepeda of the Mexican Warriors. His team advances to the semifinals with 36 points, unachievable for the remaining members of Group A.

On May 22, in the semifinal of the V World Boxing Series, again in the Coliseum of Ciudad Deportiva in Havana, he defeated Lindolfo Delgado of the Warriors of Mexico 3-0.

On June 21 in the final poster defeated 2-1 his opponent Zakir Safiullin of the Lobos de Astaná of Kazakhstan in the Kazakh capital, but his team Domadores of Cuba could not win the title of the V World Series, losing the opportunity to win in successive editions.

On July 25, he won the crown by defeating Mexico's Lindolfo Delgado in the 60-kilogram final with a 3-0 vote at the XVII Pan American Games in Toronto 2015, held this year in Canada.

On October 15 at the World Boxing Championship in Doha, Catar, is crowned champion for the third time in an event of this category by defeating 3-0 his opponent Azeri Elvin Mamishada, securing his ticket to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.


On January 30, 2016, in his debut in the VI World Series of Boxing, in Istanbul, he defeated 3-0 Yasin Yilmaz of the Conquistadores of Turkey, to whom his team Domadores de Cuba gave a 5-0 sweep.

On February 29 he beat Viktor Slavinskyi, from Otomans of Ukraine, in his second outing in this VI World Series, which he sealed by provoking a couple of counts in the last round to leave no doubt about the advantage exercised in the Sports Palace, in Kharkiv city.

On April 22 at the Coliseum in Havana's Ciudad Deportiva, he won 3-0 against Lindolfo Delgado of the Mexican Warriors who were swept away by the Domadores in the semifinals.

On May 6 again at the Sports City Coliseum in the semifinals defeated 3-0 Elnur Abduraimov of the Tigers of Uzbekistan, where his team also provided a sweep to the visitors.

On June 4 in the final fight of this VI Series in Taskent, Uzbekistan's capital, they defeated Luke McCormack of the British Lion Hearts, 3-0. His team were crowned champions of the tournament by beating their opponents 9-1.

Acknowledgements and awards

- World Champion, Baku 2011.

- Pan American Champion Guadalajara 2011.

- Recognition of the Love of my People.

- In the annual survey conducted jointly by the Circle of Sports Chroniclers of the Union of Journalists of Cuba and the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, he was chosen among the most outstanding athletes of 2012 in Cuba.

- Best sportsman of 2012 in boxing.

- Chosen by the Circle of Sports Journalists together with the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation among the ten best athletes of the year 2013 in Cuba.

- Selected as the most outstanding male athlete in individual sport in the province of Pinar del Rio in 2013.

- Chosen among the 12 best athletes of 2014 in his province.

- Selected by the survey organized by INDER and the specialized press among the 10 best athletes of 2015 in Cuba.

- Chosen as the best athlete of the year in individual male sport in Pinar del Rio province  in 2015.


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