Procedures and Services

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Documents to be presented by consumers moving from another office.

  • Identity card of the person.
  • Identity Card, updated by the address of the dwelling where the registration is going to take place, of all the components of the nucleus.
  • Form No. 6 of deleting from the Oficoda where it caused deletion.
  • Food products notebook, if it is a recognition of nucleus by domicile changing.
  • Any document that proves the legal occupation of the dwelling, in the name of the person applying to be head of the nucleus, issued by the Housing Institute and Notaries.
  • If the document of the legality of the dwelling is in the name of a minor under 16 years old, the document that accredits the applicant as guardian of the minor must also be presented, as well as the Identity Card of the said guardian updated by the address of the dwelling of which the minor is the owner.
  • Stamp of $5.00.

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In the province there is a network of 41 Oficoda with a schedule of 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 and every Saturday from 8 to 12.

In all the reasons that originate Altas will be presented the document accrediting the general consumer.

To perform any formalities Oficoda, it will be a prerequisite the presence of a person 16 years or older, this to be justified through his Identity Card.

The Registration in the Office can be processed by any consumer, whether or not it is a component of the nuclear family. In the cases of consumers, including that of the Head of Nucleus, the procedure will always be carried out by a component of the nuclear family , which will be demonstrated through the presentation of the Identity Card of the person appearing and the Food Products Notebook of the nucleus where the procedure will be carried out.

Registration to consumers
Deletion of consumers
Medical Diets
Delivery of babycare items notebook
Loss or deterioration of the food products notebook
Moving consumers

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The Registration in the Consumers Registry Unit can be processed by any consumer, whether or not he or she is a member of the nucleus. By means of this procedure, a consumer is registered in the notebook for food products.


Documents to present for registration to consumers

Identity card of the person appearing.
Child's card updated by the mother's address.
Notebook for Food Products.
In all cases of birth the child will be registered in the Food products notebook where the mother is registered.

Registration of people coming from abroad.

If it is a child born abroad of Cuban parents or of Cuban and foreign parents, the minor's card will be presented, to be considered a Cuban citizen.
If the child is a consumer of Cuban nationality and has been sent abroad by an organization, he or she shall present an identity card updated by the address where is going to live.
In case it has been sent by an Organization, it will present an Identity Card updated by the address where is going to live.

Form No. 6 of the Deletion from the Office where you left before leaving the country, if you have it.
Food products notebook of the nucleus where is going to live.
People come out of penitentiary centers, hospitals or ascilos.

Identity card of the interested person
Identity card of the person who is going to take part of the nuclear family with updating house address.
Document of the Hospital, Asylum.
Food Products notebook of the nuclear family where you will live.
Form No. 6 of Admission from the OFICODA Office.

Family doctors and nurses.

Identity card of the interested person.
Identity card of the person who is going to take part of the nuclear family with updating house address.
Document issued by the Municipal Public Health Office duly signed and minted.
Stamp of $5.00.
Form No. 6 of Deletion of the Office where it comes from

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