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On the Southern road to La Güira Park, you can travel five kilometers under the leafy semi-deciduous forest and pine forest. In order to observe birds, 61 species have been counted, among which the Cartacuba, the Tocororo, the Zorzal gato (Turdus plumbeus), the Negrito (Merropiria nigra), the Tomeguín de la tierra y del pinar, as well as the Cabrero (Spingalis cena), the Muleteer, the Chillina (Teretistris fernandinae), the Aparecido de San Diego (Cyanerpes cyaneus), the Gavilán colilargo, and for the lucky ones, the Siguapa (Asio stygius) and the elusive Nightingale, easy to hear but very difficult to see.

Hacienda Cortina or Parque de la Güira is one of the most exotic parks in our country. Its former owner, the lawyer José Manuel Cortina, acquired La Güira estate in 1906. In his 1423 cavalries, he built the most lavish recreational hacienda in the country: spacious gardens with bronze lanterns that illuminate small squares surrounded by benches, cups, sculptures, ponds, fountains and roundabouts, surrounded by trees that mark the route to his house built in 1924. He built the Japanese (1920) and Chinese (1940) houses. There is an important collection of objects and works of art that became a national exponent of Asian civilization. In the open spaces he erected sculptures in Carrara marble and bronze reminiscent of Nymphs and Goddesses of Greek legends. The artificial navigable lake, the representations of medieval constructions such as the impressive portal of the hacienda and its great biodiversity make the visitor live in a world of fiction.


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Mil Cumbres with 17521 hectares, located in the community of San Juan de Sagua, La Palma, is a Protected Area of Managed Resources, which indicates that man protects nature and in turn, through projects run by the National Company for the Protection of Flora and Fauna, makes a rational use of those resources.

In its landscape, the cork palm (Microcycas calocoma) appears as a prehistoric plant, whose emergence dates back to the time of the dinosaurs, more than one hundred and fifty million years ago; Cuba was still not where it is today.

To the West, on Cajálbana plateau (464 m.), on its Southern slope, is the path known as Mas alla de las espinas» (Beyond the Thorns. It has a length of 6 750 meters. Upon entering the forest, the greatest number of endemic floristic species in Cuba per square kilometer is impressive, reaching the number of thirty-five types of plants within the Cuabal forest.

Tel: (53) 48 632058/ 632063

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At the bottom of  Cordillera de Guaniguanico and in the exact place where the rivers Caiguanabo-San Diego cut the mountain range turning it into Sierra del Rosario, to the East, and Sierra de los Órganos to the West, is the quiet town: San Diego de los Baños, famous since the eighteenth century for the beneficial properties of its waters. These have been studied for more than two hundred years and classified into: sulphurous, sulphurous, calcium, magnesium, fluoride and thermal. Today, in the Spa of the same name, treatments are offered to the visitor with highly qualified services, attend patients with dermatological disorders, neurological, post accidents, digestive diseases and stress, through hydrotherapy, hydromassage, body and facial beauty treatments, mud therapy, psychology, steam baths, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, electroacupuncture, physiotherapy, stomatology and gym.

Tel: (53) 48 548880 / 548881

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