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Its access is by sea, one and a half kilometers from Palma Rubia on the north coast, located forty-five kilometers from Viñales, seventy-two kilometers from Las Terrazas and three hours' drive from Havana City. It has a beach three kilometers long -before the slope- there are another five kilometers of low bottoms in the insular platform, with depths between three and six meters. The invitation to dive will allow you to receive initiation and practice courses in a total of twenty-three sites of the insular platform between Cayo Arenas and Cayo Mégano de Casigüas, with plant and coral formations among which stand out: Star coral (Montastrea anularis), Cacho e venao (Acropora cervicornis), sea fans (Gorgonia ventalina), seaweed (Halimeda discoidea), starfish (Oreaster reticulatus), Moorish crab (Carpilius corallinus) and fish species with striking colours such as these: Isabelitas (Chaetodon ocellatus), Rabirrubia (Ocyurus chrysurus), Salmonete (Mulloidichthys martinicus), Horse mackerel (Caranx lugubris) and the threatening Green Morenas (Gymnothorax funebris). In the song of the veril the walls reach up to forty meters, fascinating to dive in the practice of snorkeling in the coral reef, or nautical sports.

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The  Los Colorados Archipelago , located to the North of  Pinar del Río province, is made up of 160 cays and islets, scattered along 205 kilometers (km), and from its beginning in La Leña to its end in Punta Gorda, Cabañas Bay, a wonderful environment can be appreciated, where beautiful beaches alternate with mangroves, in blue waters nest Macabí (Albula vulpes) and Sábalos (Tarpon atlanticus).

The coral reefs are biological shells that protect the mainland.

In all these ecosystems, after the beach, the bottom has depths greater than 2000 meters, with walls between nine and forty; there are internationally recognized diving areas, a world to observe various types of corals, espeluncas and sand cascades.

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More than 4000 meters of virgin beach, linked to the mainland by a 15 kilometer (km) pedraplén, located in a fishing area, surrounded by exuberant nature, with landscapes of unusual beauty, which enable the development of nautical activities, diving and bird watching.

The divers can appreciate species of the most diverse colors, types and sizes that coexist in total harmony with man, from the Dogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus), the Surgeons (Acanthurus coeruleus) and the Parrot Fish (Sparisoma viride).

The most abundant corals are: the Ear (Acropora palmata), Fire (Millapora complanata), Digital (Porites porites) and Brain (Colpophyllia natans).

These wonders are only 58 km from Viñales.

At the eastern end, stands as Alexandria lighthouse, the eighteen-meter metal tower, which supports the flashes produced by one of the oldest reflectors in the country.

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It has been a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve since 1987. It treasures among its values, since 2001, a National Park that contains two Natural Reserves: Cabo Corrientes and El Veral, which in 1963 were declared as such. From there you can walk the trails Del Bosque al Mar, Cueva las Perlas and Excursion to Cabo de San Antonio. Spawning site of the 4 species of sea turtles reported in Cuba. It has the Guanahacabibes National Park Visitors Center located in La Bajada, Sandino, Pinar del Río Tel: (53) 48 750366 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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