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Contact details of the Municipal Offices of Justice

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Contact details of the Municipal Offices of Justice:

Pinar del Río
Municipal Office of Justice Pinar del Río:
Central office: 48 726365
Direction: 48 726364
Maternal Hospital Marital Status Registry:
48 767756

Municipal Office of Justice Guane
Direction: 48 497149
Civil Register: 48 497260

San Juan y Martínez
Municipal Office of Justice San Juan y Martínez:
Direction: 48 798190
Civil Register: 48 798615

San Luis
Municipal Office of Justice San Luis:
Direction: 48 797291
Civil Register: 48 797231
Notary: 48 976154

Consolación del Sur
Municipal Office of Justice Consolación del Sur
Direction: 48 813335
Civil Register: 48 812704
Land Registry: 48 812235
Marriage palace 48 812611

Minas de Matahambre
Municipal Office of Justice Minas de Matahambre:
Direction: 48 646510
Civil Registry: 48 646245

Los Palacios
Municipal Office ofJustice Los Palacios:
Direcion: 48 547253
Civil Register: 48 547477
Marital Status Registration San Diego: 48 548879

La Palma
Municipal Office of Justice La Palma:
Direction: 48 732388
Civil Registry: 48 732141

Municipal Office of Justice Viñales:
Direction: 48 793145
Notary: 48 695559
Land Registry: 48 695558

Municipal Office of Justic Mantua:
Direction: 48 495352
REC: 48 495345

Municipal Office of Justice Sandino:
Direction:48 422439
Civil Register:48 423362
Civil Status Registry Las Martina: 48 444118

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