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LPG Sales Points in Pinar del Río

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Sales Point  1(CP: Hnoz Cruz) :(48) 786010

Sales Point  2(CP: Hnoz Cruz) :(48) 762210

Sales Point 3(CP: Hnoz Cruz) :(48)765547

Sales Point  4(CP: Capitán San Luis):(48) 777557

Sales Point 5(CP:Raúl Sánchez) :(48) 777805

Sales Point 6(CP Carlos Manuel):(48) 777553

Sales Point 7(CP:Hermanos Barcón):(48)777819

Sales Point  8(CP: Celso Maragoto):(48) 777818

Sales Point 9(CP:Comandante Pinares):(48) 766253

Timetables of LPG sales points  (Except for point#8):

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 and from 01:00 pm to 04:00 pm and Wednesdays and Saturdays from 08:00 am to 2:00 pm

NOTE: The last working day of the month will be worked until 12:00 m.

NOTE: Sales Point # 8 of the Celso Maragoto Cast will work every day in the schedules established for the rest of the points but, in this case run their workday until 6:00 pm until Saturdays and Sundays would be from 08:00 am to 12:00 m.

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