Procedures and Services

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Procedures to be carried out by graduates in the Labor Directorate

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The main procedures that are carried out in work addresses are related to:

  • Change of employment location of graduates in Social Service +

    The fulfillment of social service is established in Law 116/2015, Labour Code and Decree 326 and the change of employment location of graduates in Social Service in Resolution 8/2013 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The social service consists in the fulfilment of the duty of the graduates of daytime courses, who attain the knowledge at the higher level and technical professional level of education, to put them in the function of society in accordance with the planning and priorities of economic and social development. Read More
  • Graduates of Higher Education +

    In Annex 2 of Resolution 8 of 2013 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the procedure for the processing of changes in work location of recent graduates of middle and higher level technician is established and it is necessary to specify the terms for said process: Read More
  • Graduates of technician of upper intermediate level +

    The letter of request for the release of the agency, with the corresponding foundation and the letter of acceptance of the body to which it is proposed to transfer the graduate is presented to the Provincial Labor Office. In the case of the Graduates of Technician of Upper Middle Level who are assigned to the organisms of the Central Administration of the State or their entities of national subordination, only the provincial Delegate of the organism can be issued the letter of release, for those who have that structure, or the Director of the Company when not. Read More
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