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The purpose of youth and adult education is to contribute to the integral formation of workers, housewives, young people and adults in general, in correspondence with the updating of the economic and social model of the country in coordination with agencies, mass organizations and institutions of society.

Among the priorities of this education are:

- Working for the incorporation of the illiterate and under-schooled.

- Raising the quality of student learning, with emphasis on graduates of the skilled worker who enrol in the Faculty of Labour and Farmer (FOC).

- Monitoring and control of the preparation courses for matrculating  to Higher Education (these courses will incorporate students who come from Order 18, so they are urged to approach enrolling next year in the FOC of their community. They can enroll in the first semester, which begins in October or the second semester that begins in January, can take advantage of one of the 2 schedules established for them, one starts from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and the other from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

- Attention to penitentiary facilities.

- The work of Language Schools and the development of Community Language Projects as a social need of the population under 17 years old.

- Follow-up of the experiment that is being carried out in the province based on the improvement that is being carried out in the National Education System.

- Follow-up on the opening of special training courses aimed at preparing teachers to carry out foreign collaboration missions with the prior authorization of the municipal directors of education.

Requirements for admission to adult education at the level of the Faculty of Labour and Farmer:

- Be at least 17 years old and 9th grade.

- To be a worker or to belong to ANAP endorsing this condition with a letter from the work center or agricultural production cooperative, as the case may be.

- Presentation of the letter from the work center, documents from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security or from ONAT in the case of self-employed workers.

- Be a housewife, guaranteeing this condition with a letter from the FMC block to which the interested party belongs.

- Presentation of the identity card and the diploma or certification of completed studies.

- In the case of graduates of Qualified Laborers, their enrollment is allowed even when they do not have an employment relationship.

Requirements for admission to Adult Education Language Schools:

- Be at least 17 years old. Graduates of specialties of Qualified Workers, with 15 or 16 years old, who have an employment relationship, are exempted from this requirement.

- Have at least a 9th grade pass.

- Be an active worker.

- Enroll in only one language.

- Exceptionally and provided that no worker is displaced, admit housewives, retirees, other high school students, university students and those non-workers who for socio-economic interests of the locality and for the emergent creation of sources of work, require preparation in language schools.

- Presentation of the identity card and the diploma or certification of completed studies.

- Presentation of a letter from the work centre stating the need to improve oneself in a certain language.

Languages currently being studied at the "Andrés Bello López" Language School:

- English (this language is taught in 4 levels).

- French (this language is taught in 4 levels).

- Portuguese (this language is taught in 3 levels).

It is possible to apply from the 1st to the 3rd level (in English and French languages) by means of a classification exam and for the 4th level by means of a title exam. In the case of the Portuguese language it is classified in 1st and 2nd level and the 3rd by a title exam.






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