Procedures and Services

Useful information and access to online procedures

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BASIC SECONDARY                                                                   TELEPHONE

Julio Antonio Mella                                                                           48755428      
Tomás Orlando Díaz                                                                         48754213      
Carlos Ulloa                                                                                     48762215      
Ceferino Fernández                                                                          48753139      
Aguedo Morales                                                                               48754815      
Combate Bacunagua                                                                        48752997      
José Martí                                                                                       48775792 - 48775793      
Filiberto Acanda                                                                              48794247      
Oscar Sánchez                                                                               52860049
Gabriela Mistral                                                                               48728266

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PRE-UNIVERSITY                                                                        TELEPHONE

Antonio Guiteras                                                                              48754679      
Hermanos Barcón                                                                            52860042      
Rafael Ferro                                                                                     48753542       
Isabel Rubio                                                                                     48754440

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SPECIAL SCHOOLS                                                                   TELEPHONE

Hermanos Saíz                                                                                48753552
Antón Makarenko                                                                             48763623
28 de Enero                                                                                     48774723
José Martí                                                                                       48769593
Carlos Marx                                                                                    48779026
Alfonso Valdés (San Juan y Martínez)                                               48798144
Mártires de Bolivia                                                                           48788122  

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