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Day Care Centers

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DAY CARE CENTERS                                                                   TELEPHONE

Semillitas del Futuro                                                                          48754902
Adela Azcuy                                                                                     48753157
Enrique Echeverría                                                                            48754302
Celestino Pacheco                                                                            48752529
El Pionero                                                                                        48753084
Isabel Rubio                                                                                     48752961
XI Festival                                                                                        48752527
Los Criollitos                                                                                    48753778
Los Hermanitos                                                                                48762236
Futuros Cosmonautas                                                                       48762127
Centenario de Baraguá                                                                      48762313
Carrusel                                                                                           48754538
Pioneritos del 2000                                                                           48755342
Amiguitos de la Ciencia                                                                     48753446
Cochero Azul                                                                                    48762967
Pequeños Príncipes                                                                           48762039

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